Sunday, April 19, 2009
Congratulations - New IHA Black Belts
Mike Weisensee - 4th Degree (USA)
April Booth - 3rd Degree (USA)
Peter Dilonardo - 2nd Degree (Australia)
Emmanuel Ordillo - 2nd Degree (Australia)
Corey Ninneman - 2nd Degree (USA)
Tony Schoenecker - 2nd Degree (USA)
Janne Toivanen - 2nd Degree (Finland)
Daniel Anis - 2nd Degree (Finland)
Markus Santi - 2nd Degree (Finland)
Pauli Harju - 2nd Degree (Finland)
Regards M G
Friday, April 17, 2009
2009 World Tour & International Training Seminar
FT – 3 Hours
TT – 8 Hours (e.g. Sydney 2, Flying 3, Auckland 3)
The next morning its back on the road for a couple more flights towards Minneapolis. Flight #3 UA 136 (Boeing 757-200) takes me across the US from San Francisco to Chicago.
*Side Note* I have mentioned in previous years how the American Airlines seem to be treated more like a bus in the way people board and travel, however this time it is pretty clear that the planes are showing their age and general age. I keep everything crossed that the money not spent on the cosmetics is being spent on the mechanicals.
FT – 22 Hours
TT – 33 Hours
Corey & Chris (Mrs Corey) meet me at the airport where we wait for my luggage to arrive. Both suitcases make the trip, even if one is partially open and looking slightly smashed. From the airport we head towards the Mall of America to meet up with Peter (Provisional Black Belt) for Dinner and a catch up.After a steak and chat its back on the road for the drive from Minneapolis to Hutchinson, just over an hour at this time with little traffic on the road.We take a quick swing through Hutchinson and a look at the Dojang before I check in and look for the bed.

The night goes way too quickly and I am on the mats for the first of 4 seminars today with Corey’s students in Hutchinson. The focus is on covering the junior belt level techniques with an occasional mini special seminar. The 2 adult seminars go well, and as a special topic I cover Knockouts, Mark, Corey and Tony all decide to have a nap. Mark especially enjoyed it as he started to dream and talk in his sleep before we brought him around, he was then a little sad as he was enjoying the dream! After the revision I hold a grading for Corey, congratulations to those students who passed to their next belt.The third seminar for the day was with the kids and they work hard, of course I wrap it up by punting them all, oops I mean by throwing them onto the crash mat...